Consolidated changes in equity
CHF million |
Attributable to equity holders of Sonova Holding AG |
Share capital |
Retained earnings and other reserves |
Translation adjustment |
Treasury shares |
Non- controlling interests |
Total equity |
Balance April 1, 2018 |
3.3 |
2,659.9 |
(210.9) |
(0.5) |
23.2 |
2,474.9 |
Effect on initial application of IFRS 15 and IFRS 9 |
(132.9) |
(0.1) |
(133.1) |
Adjusted balance April 1, 2018 |
3.3 |
2,527.0 |
(210.9) |
(0.5) |
23.1 |
2,341.9 |
Income for the period |
454.1 |
6.1 |
460.2 |
Actuarial loss from defined benefit plans, net |
(16.9) |
(16.9) |
Tax effect on actuarial result |
2.3 |
2.3 |
Currency translation differences |
(57.2) |
(0.8) |
(58.0) |
Tax effect on currency translation |
1.3 |
1.3 |
Total comprehensive income |
439.5 |
(56.0) |
5.3 |
388.9 |
Share-based payments |
4.9 |
13.9 |
18.8 |
Sale of treasury shares 1) |
(17.3) |
45.2 |
27.9 |
Purchase of treasury shares 2) |
(225.5) |
(225.5) |
Dividend paid |
(169.8) |
(6.1) |
(175.8) |
Balance March 31, 2019 |
3.3 |
2,784.3 |
(266.8) |
(166.9) |
22.3 |
2,376.1 |
Balance April 1, 2019 |
3.3 |
2,784.3 |
(266.8) |
(166.9) |
22.3 |
2,376.1 |
Income for the period |
483.2 |
6.3 |
489.5 |
Actuarial loss from defined benefit plans, net |
(45.1) |
(45.1) |
Tax effect on actuarial result |
4.9 |
4.9 |
Fair value adjustment of financial liabilities at FVOCI |
4.8 |
4.8 |
Currency translation differences |
(143.7) |
(1.8) |
(145.4) |
Tax effect on currency translation |
3.7 |
3.7 |
Total comprehensive income |
447.9 |
(139.9) |
4.5 |
312.5 |
Capital decrease – share buyback program |
(0.0) |
(157.8) |
157.9 |
Share-based payments |
6.4 |
13.0 |
19.4 |
Sale of treasury shares 1) |
(32.0) |
63.4 |
31.4 |
Purchase of treasury shares 2) |
(514.9) |
(514.9) |
Dividend paid |
(186.5) |
(8.6) |
(195.1) |
Balance March 31, 2020 |
3.2 |
2,862.3 |
(406.8) |
(447.5) |
18.2 |
2,029.4 |
1) In relation to long-term equity incentive plans.
2) Further information on the share buyback program are disclosed in Note 4.6.
The Notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.