Compensation report

2. Compensation policy and principles

To support the objective of engaging the best talent needed to ensure our success and to maintain our position as globally leading manufacturer and provider of innovative hearing care solutions and services, Sonova’s compensation system is based on the following principles:

The compensation of the Board of Directors consists of fixed compensation only, paid partly in cash and partly in the form of restricted shares. The independence of the Board of Directors in its supervisory function is reinforced by the practice that no performance-related compensation is awarded.

The compensation of the Management Board consists of fixed and variable, performance-based compensation components. The base salary and benefits form the fixed components and are determined based on current market practice. Targets for the short-term and long-term incentives are defined at the beginning of each financial year and assessed at the end of the term, and not revisited during the respective incentive period.

To avoid compensation for inappropriate risk taking or short-term profit maximization at the expense of the long-term health of the company, a cap applies to both the short-term and the long-term variable compensation component and claw -back provisions are applicable on the VCC. Finally, Sonova has mandatory share ownership guidelines in place for members of the Board of Directors and the Management Board. These guidelines require members to invest defined amounts in Sonova shares and thus reinforce the alignment between the interests of the Board of Directors and the Management Board with those of our shareholders.