Our product and service offering

Audéo™ B-Direct
The Phonak Audéo B-Direct Receiver-In-Canal hearing aid offers direct connectivity to the vast majority of cell phones, which use the standard Bluetooth® classic protocol1. The first hearing aid to make use of Sonova’s innovative SWORD™ chip and wireless radio technology, it delivers excellent sound quality thanks to AutoSense OS™, that adapts the hearing aid automatically to the listening situation. Audéo B-Direct simplifies the life of consumers by offering them the freedom of direct connectivity, truly hands-free calling, and excellent TV sound quality2.

- Smartphones and traditional mobile phones with Bluetooth® 4.2 wireless technology and most older Bluetooth® versions, Bluetooth® is a trademark owned by the Bluetooth SIG
- Field Study News September 2017 at http://www.phonakpro.com/evidence
Virto B-Titanium
The Virto B-Titanium is the smallest Phonak custom hearing aid. Combining the benefits of medical grade titanium with the latest 3D printing technology, results in a deep, comfortable fit and a super discreet, durable and light weight hearing aid.

Moxi™ All
The Unitron Moxi™ All connects patients directly to conversations on virtually any mobile phone¹ without wearing a streamer, while also giving them the convenience of rechargeability. Driven by Tempus™, Moxi All has the binaural features that let patients actively participate in conversations, even in the most challenging environments. After powering up overnight, a rechargeable battery keeps them in the conversation all day, including on the phone or watching TV via the TV Connector. Furthermore, Moxi All offers the flexibility to swap to traditional batteries at any time.
- Smartphones and traditional mobile phones with Bluetooth® 4.2 wireless technology and most older Bluetooth® versions, Bluetooth® is a trademark owned by the Bluetooth SIG

sound SHD stream
The HANSATON sound SHD stream is a receiver-in-canal hearing system (RIC) with binaural features for a more natural hearing experience. Safe hands-free phone calls, for example in the car or while cooking, are possible for all operating systems, in short MFA (“Made For All”), for various manufacturers of Bluetooth® capable1 telephones. The wearers are offered an all-rounder hearing system that ideally meets the needs and demands of the digital communication age.
- Smartphones and traditional mobile phones with Bluetooth® 4.2 wireless technology and most older Bluetooth® versions, Bluetooth® is a trademark owned by the Bluetooth SIG

HiFocus™ SlimJ electrode
The HiFocus™ SlimJ electrode is the latest approved electrode technology, designed for ease of handling and insertion. It is offered as a straight electrode with a gentle curvature, designed to be easily and smoothly inserted by freehand technique or with forceps. The SlimJ electrode has been designed to have balanced stiffness and flexibility to offer smooth insertion and protect cochlear structures, allowing for the best possible hearing outcomes in patients.

Naída CROS
If a person hear with a cochlear implant in one ear but does not have any hearing in the other ear, they can use a Phonak Naída™ Link CROS a small wireless audio transmitter that sends sounds from that side to their Naída CI so that they can enjoy hearing their best in quiet and noise from both sides without having to reposition themselves.